Monday, March 24, 2008

How much longer?

Crapola!!! I just finished writing my post for today, and instead of Publishing it, I deleted it. I definately need more sleep.

So, day 13 of boot camp. Ran about 5 miles this morning. I feel pretty good. Day 23 of the diet. I haven't touched alchohol and I've only had two cheat meals total, and even those weren't bad. I had a Willie's burrito for the first cheat meal a week ago. And, this weekend, I was a house guest so I was at the mercy of my host. But she was very understanding of the diet and tried to work around it. I did eat some white rice and a small slice of cake. Other than that I've eaten very clean. Lots of salads, whole grains, eggs and fish. I miss the hell out of some pizza. I can hardly wait for this weekend... Vegas, baby! Vegas!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Today in Gym Class

This morning at boot camp we played a pretty intense game of capture the flag. It was a really fun workout. I'm sure if there was anyone looking at us from the starbucks across the street they must have wondered why there was a field full of 30-somethings darting and dodging each other - all wearing bright flags - at 6 A.M. - in the dark. I don't know the answer to that. But it sure beats push-ups in the rain and mud.

Isn't it a little funny? I spent my middle school years trying to get out of gym class, or at least giving it as little effort as possible. Years later I'm paying a good amount of money to run laps and play flag football (sans the ball). If someone would have told my teenage self that one day I'd be confined to a cubicle for 50 hours a week, then just maybe I would have appreciated gym class.
I probably would have thought, "Not me. I'm either going to be a stunt man or explosives expert. I'll never sit behind a desk all day!" And went on hating gym class.

Monday, March 10, 2008

So, what am I supposed to drink?

I've gone eight days now without alcohol. I don't think I've done that since I was 21 or 22. It's not as hard as I thought it would be. I've always wanted to cut back on drinking. But, after a few days I'm usually like, what the heck, I deserve a drink! So, the cycle continues.

It sounds silly, but I'm pretty proud of myself. I've never considered myself to be a disciplined person. I was in middle school. I woke myself up at 5:00 AM every morning to work out and was at the bus stop by 6:15 before my parents even woke up. By high school I started having trouble sleeping, so that put an end to my days of discipline.

But this weekend I went to a wedding, walked up the open bar and ordered a sprite (sans the spirits). And later that night I was at dinner with the family. When I ordered a tonic water the bartender made me a gin and tonic. Instead of breaking my streak I sent it back. No problem. It hasn't been an issue.

So, to the workout! Last night I couldn't sleep for some reason. Watched the alarm clock until 3 AM and woke up at 5. Blah. I was grumpy. I made it through the workout this morning. We raced up hill for 3 minutes and back. Then for 2 1/2 minutes and back. Then 2 and back. Then 1 1/2, then 1, then 30 seconds. Sprinting the whole way. Not too bad. I'm really tired at work right now. Think I'll go take a nap in my car. We need cots or hammocks here. Every office should have that.

Friday, March 7, 2008

So Far, So Hard!

I made it through Flogging Molly last night without a drop to drink! Some beer landed on my back, but I didn't even take my shirt off to slurp it out from the threads. Be proud! It was especially difficult, due to the fact that after every song the band would crack open a draft can of Guinness and cheers the audience, making sure to embellish on how the taste was sweeter than life itself.

This morning I was happy with my decision not to drink. Boot camp at 5:30 AM, in heavy rain, 42 degrees.

What's worse, after the first 3 days of boot camp I assumed we wouldn't be working that much upper body, except for a bunch of push-ups when people are late or absent. So, yesterday I hit the gym and worked upper body like there was no tomorrow, and gave my poor legs a much deserved rest.

Today, guess what??!!! We're working upper body! Wow!

We did about 200 incline push-ups, and about the same in dips using park benches. And of course we had to hold ourselves in the down position as the instructors told us it didn't hurt (it did). My arms muscles failed several times and I ended up face first into a park bench. But it will be worth it (please, God, let it be worth it).

That wasn't all. Did I mention there is no resting? For a full hour. No, It's 50 push-ups, or sit ups, or lunges, or whatever, then sprint back and forth. Then something else, then sprint again. Then something else, and then jumping as high as we can for a minute. Then another minute. Then eat some mud and like it, but don't stop moving. You can puke while you run. I'm going to love these results. (Please God, let me see results!)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Little Polly Pasta

So, this is only day 4 of my strict diet.

Here is the back story: I signed up for a month long fitness boot camp. We work out 4 times a week at 5:45 AM and they ask you to work out the other 3 days on your own. You keep a journal of your workouts and your diet. If you stray, you pay, in the form of extra work (torture).

Monday's boot camp actually started at 5:20 AM. I haven't woke up that early on purpose in years. They basically kick your ass for an entire hour, no resting, no fun. These are sick people. They push you harder than you would ever push yourself, which is good. And I won't lie, it hurts like hell. I haven't pushed myself this hard since I was in high school. My 29 year old body is in shock right now.

Today is Thursday and we did not have boot camp this morning. I slept in until 6:30 with the intention of going on a run. Didn't happen. Instead I went to the gym on my lunch break and got a good upper body workout in. I get back to the office and I have some turkey on wheat and a spinach salad waiting.

Well, my co-worker, who knows I'm dieting, approaches me with "Hey, just had a lunch meeting at Maggiano's and have an entire lazagna left!"

Before I understand what she is saying she's shoving the thing in my face. We're talking some serious food here - size of a briefcase, loaded with meat, sauce, and cheese. I look at her and I must have had some hate in my eyes. I was like "Are you kidding me? Get away, temptress!"

She's all like, "What, lazagna isn't bad."

I know, it's freaking amazing. Especially after 3 days of salad, nuts, and raw veggies.

So, she kept trying to make me take it, and any other time I would have, beleive me. But, I stuck to my guns and walked away. And she followed me, and so did the sent of fresh pasta. What is it about telling someone "No" that makes them press harder?

What? You're trying to lose weight? Here, let me help! All you need is fudge brownies with lots of sprinkles and icing! I just happen to have some here! I'll put it in your mouth for you!

Stay strong. All you need is your turkey and spinach. Yumm..... spinach. Raw. Manna from heaven. Food of the Gods. Fresh grown in fields of poop. So good. You hardly notice it's good for you.

Tonight will be especially hard. I'm going to a concert - Flogging Molly. Fun Irish people singing about drinking and dancing. I can't dance because my legs will fall off. I can't drink because I want my stomach to fall off.

This is a test. I will pass. Can't wait to tell you so tomorrow.

Find My Six-Pack!

My name is Shawn. Many years ago I had a six pack. Now I seem to be about 6 beers shy of that. And by beers I mean ABS. Funny thing is, I probably lost my abs because of all the beers.

So, not happy with my gut, I'm making some changes and tracking the (sometimes humiliating) progress. Hey, got to start somewhere. So... I'm putting down the bevs and getting in shape. I know those little 12 oz cans of joy are hiding somewhere in this pony keg of mine. Time to tap it!

I don't know about you, but all these beer references are making me thirsty. Focus, Shawn. Eyes on the prize!